Author: Paseíllo
The main singularity of Lucena's Holy Week is the santería, understood as the peculiar way of procession of the religious litter with the images to the rhythm of the drum. This tradition, unique throughout the world, defines the way of carrying the religious litter on one's shoulder, according to strict rules of respect and solemnity, which make it an unforgettable moment. The confreres are organised in groups and wear tunics up to the middle of the legs over their shirts, half width trousers and short country boots, decorating their necks with a scarf and covering their heads with hoods, but leaving their faces uncovered. Their colour differs according to the brotherhood. The most important of them is the leader, who is in charge of ringing a bell whenever it is for or to restart the march of the procession. In the image we can see the group of brotherhoods of the Santíssimo Cristo de la Sangre, an interesting piece of Hispano-American origin. Its origin is not clear, but it has been suggested that it's arrived in Lucena thanks to Luis de Velasco y Castilla, Viceroy of Mexico between 1595 and 1607. It is accompanied by María Santísima del Mayor Dolor, the work of the sculptor Seviliano Castillo Lastrucci.
Author: Paseíllo
"Nuestro Padre Jesús Amarrado a la Columna" is an image made between 1674 and 1675 by the sculptor Pedro Roldán, the greatest figure of the Sevillian school during the 17th century. The exit from the Gothic-Mozarabic style parish church of Santiago is one of the most special moments of the Lucentine Holy Week when every Holy Thursday the sound of the torralbo announces the arrival of the Cristo de la Columna (Christ Flagellated) under a tide of popular religiosity. The Cristo is accompanied by the image of María Santíssima de la Paz y Esperanza. We must note that the majority of the brotherhoods of the Semana Santa Lucentina, with rare exceptions, include the Virgin Mary among their titular figures, covered with a canopy.
Author: Jesús Ruiz Gitanito
In the early hours of Holy Friday morning, and until after two o'clock in the afternoon, Lucena dresses in purple to accompany the procession with the oldest image of Nuestro Padre Jesús Jesús Nazareno in the municipality where the Brotherhood has more than 2,000 members. It is of late Gothic style and has an articulated arm with which it distributes the blessing at certain points along the route, such as Plaza Nueva which is Lucena's central square where the main parish church of San Mateo is located. On its way it is accompanied by Santa Mujer Verónica, Santa María Magdalena, San Juan and Nuestra Señora del Socorro. The Venerable Archconfraternity of Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno has been present in Lucena since the last quarter of the 16th century.
Author: Paseíllo
The Brotherhood of the Cristo del Silencio represents solemnity and respect in this city. Its foundation was promoted by a student initiative in the middle of the 20th century, from the Instituto Laboral Marqués de Comares, with the support of its director José Garzón Durán. Due to its origins in Salamanca, it intended to imprint the serious and austere tone of the brotherhoods of silence. Today it maintains the Castilian spirit of maximum seriousness, solitude and austerity. The Cristo del Silencio is an anonymous work from the 17th century linked to the Granada school. The 'Silencio' played by the trumpet accompanies the religious litter during the early hours of Holy Thursday morning. The litter is accompanied by a large number of brothers and sisters who hold a candle and play the requiem.