Holy Week in Braga
©Holy Week Braga. All rights reserved.

Photography exhibition

Holy Week

a European perspective

Priego de Córdoba, Spain



Author: Mariló Vigo, Caminos de Pasión 


One of the most outstanding performances in Priego de Córdoba is the ceremony of foot washing that takes place on the evening of Holy Wednesday in the Plaza de la Constitucion by the Hermandad de Nuestro Padre Jesús en la Columna (Brotherhood of Our Father Jesus in the Column). It consists on the Last Supper moment, the Oration at the Garden, Selling and Imprisonment of Jesus. The handwriting of the oldest text is in Latin, with annotations in Castilian. The representation is dramatic and with theatrical effects. The origin of this act is unknown, but in the first books of the archconfraternity of Veracruz in 1674, is already established. Until the middle of the 1950s, the priests represented the apostles of Jesus. Nowadays only the figure of Jesus is represented by a priest. It has been declared a Cultural Heritage Site by UNESCO.






Author: Mariló Vigo, Caminos de Pasión


A unique feature of Holy Week in Priego de Córdoba are the brothers who do their penitence by carrying large wooden crosses in the procession behind the religious litters. In the photograph we can see the brothers of the Hermandad de los Dolores, founded in 1689, whose patron is the Cristo de la Buena Muerte (Christ of Good Death) and which carries out its penitential momment on Easter Monday and  in the morning of the Holy Friday.






Author: Mariló Vigo, Caminos de Pasión 


Early morning of the Holy Friday, a small group composed of the Pestíñez and the Bacalao walk through the streets of Priego announcing with their sounds the great day that is coming, a ritual that existed since 1602. The Pestíñez wear a jacket, ankle-length trousers, high boots and are in charge of setting the rhythm with of the drums. The Bacalao, on the other hand, also dresses in a similar way and plays his trumpet loudly.






Author: Tourist Office of Priego de Córdoba


The Real Archicofradía de la Preciosísima Sangísima de Nuestro Señor Jesucristo y Nuestra Señora de las Angustias y Nuestro Padre Jesús en su Descendimiento, founded in 1864 and refounded in 1970, organises on Holy Thursday night this overwhelming ritual of respect and emotion. The brothers walk towards to the body of Jesus and the Virgen de las Angustias. Other brotherhoods, participate in this act such as the Hermandad de la Aurora, Hermandad de la Paz and Hermandad de la Soledad Coronada y Santo Entierro.

