Holy Week in Braga
©Holy Week Braga. All rights reserved.

Photography exhibition

Holy Week

a European perspective

Viveiro, Spain


The meeting


Author: José Miguel Soto López


On Holy Friday morning takes place The Gathering, the oldest moment of Holy Week in Viveiro. It has been held since time immemorial and is organised by the Venerable Franciscan Third Order. It consists of a sermon illustrated with articulated images that reproduce the mysteries of Calvary, following the biblical story that the priest pronounces from the pulpit. Four images participate in this act: Jesus with the cross on his shoulders (called "The Falling Christ", anonymous, 16th century). La Dolorosa (anonymous-1741), San Juan and La Verónica (Juan Sarmiento-1775).


Moment portrayed in the image:

The image captures the moment before the embracement of the Virgin of Sorrows (La Dolorosa) to Jesus, with the cross on her shoulders, in Rúa de la Amargura on the way to Mount Calvary. The Gathering takes place in the Plaza Mayor de Viveiro when Jesus fell the ground. After walking through the streets of the historic centre, the procession reaches the atrium of the church of Santa Maria del Campo when the third fall takes place.





The Recumbent Holy Christ


Author: María San Isidro Rego


On the afternoon of Holy Friday, after the descending of the Cross, the procession of the Holy Burial takes place, organized by the Illustrious and Venerable Brotherhood of the Holy Rosary. The saints of La Magdalena (José Tena-1916), San Juan (José Tena-1909), Santísimo Cristo Yacente (José Tena-1909, Rodríguez y Puente-1955) and Virgen de la Soledad (José Rivas-s.XX) participate.


Moment captured in the image:

Passing of the jacent Christ in procession through the main street of the historical centre, preceded by a group of Roman soldiers. The image shows Christ lying in the sepulchre on a rock covered with a white sheet. This representation becomes very real because Jesus is already escorted by four angels.





Santísimo Cristo de la Piedad (Holy Christ of Piety)


Author: Saúl Jiménez Rodríguez


On the night of the Holy Friday, the Passion Procession takes place, which gathers around a thousand participants. They accompany the image of the Crucifixion or El Prendimiento (José Rivas-1947), El Calvario (José Rivas-1946/1949 and Rodríguez y Puente-1952), Santísimo Cristo de la Piedad (José Rivas-1945) and María al pie de la Cruz (Modesto Quilis-1908). They are all religious litters, especially the one of the Calvary, which is carried through the narrow streets of the historic centre on a platform with wheels, carried by 100 men. The religious litter Mary under the cross is carried exclusively by women. It is very emotional to see the procession of the Holy Christ of the Piedad returning to the church.


Portrayed moment of the image:

Santísimo Cristo de la Piedad on his way through the Plaza Mayor is preceded by the Roman band of drums. It represents the Virgin Mary in pain holding Jesus in her arms after being taken down from the cross. It is very emotional to see this image in procession, illuminated by almost two hundred candles.





El pendimiento               


Author: María San Isidro Rego


On the night of Holy Thursday, the procession of the Arrest of Jesus takes place, one of the most complete in which five images participate: El Prendimiento or "El Beso de Judas" (José Rivas-1947), Las Negaciones de San Pedro (Antonio Bernal-2010/2019), Ecce-Homo "Corazón de Jesús" (17th century), Nuestro Padre Jesús Nazareno (Francisco Romero Zafra-2012) and the Virgen de los Dolores (early 19th century).


Moment portrayed in the image:

Jesus' arrest or Judas' Kiss begins its journey at the entrance of a Museum. The image represents the betrayal of Judas at the moment of his kiss. This mystery step is also composed of a centurion and a sermon. The photo is taken a few metres from the Plaza Mayor, where the procession reaches its greatest splendour.





Ecce Homo de La Misericordia


Author: Toño Goás


In the early morning hours of Holy Friday, the Misericordia procession takes place. The procession begins in the Misericordia chapel and crosses the bridge of the same name with the participation of two images, the Ecce-Homo de la Misericordia (17th century) and Nuestra Señora de la Clemencia (Francisco Gijón-2004).


Moment portrayed in the image:

The image represents the entrance of the Ecce-Homo after passing over La Misericordia bridge to access the historic centre. It passes through the gate of Carlos V, one of the oldest gates of the wall, and the most representative monument of the city. It is preceded by Nazarenes with red candles, one of the colours of the brotherhood.

