WARNING > Changes to the Holy Week program 2020

The Commission of Lent and Solemnities of Holy Week of Braga met extraordinarily, with the presence of the Archbishop, Jorge Ortiga, to deliberate on the best way to celebrate Holy Week.


In view of the national recommendations given by the Minister of Health, a number of decisions were reached. With regard to Holy Week in Braga:

1. The processions and concerts of Lent and Holy Week are cancelled. The exhibitions are at the discretion of the organizers;

2. The decorative environment in the streets will be maintained, as well as the opening of the calvary. Merchants are asked to decorate their storefronts with motifs alluding to this court;

3. The liturgical celebrations will take place inside the Cathedral, with all the dignity and splendor that characterize them. If the conditions require special care, the participation of the faithful other than those necessary for liturgical services will not be allowed. In this case, the celebrations will be broadcast via internet and radio.


These guidelines concern the celebrations of Lent and Holy Week in Braga and extend to the entire territory of the Archdiocese of Braga.


We take this opportunity to request and thank you for the utmost understanding. We can never, nor should we, fall into alarmism, but no one is allowed to underestimate the seriousness of the situation. The responsibility to overcome this epidemic lies with each and every one.


Let us pray for the sick, for their families, for doctors and for all health professionals, invoking the protection of Mary, Health of the Sick and Mother of Mercy.


Braga, March 10, 2020